FATRO calendar 2022

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The legend of rebirth... lives on 

Herodotus says that the Phoenix is a single bird with red and gold feathers, which lives for 500 years. At the end of its life, it builds a nest with rare resinous and balsamic shrubs, lies down into it and lets the sun burn it. But from these flames and ash, a new Phoenix is reborn, flying to the temple of the sun in Heliopolis and perching on its sacred tree. Carl G. Jung interprets the Phoenix as a symbol of the capacity of the human mind to recompose itself after a crisis, a mistake, or a mourning. Difficulty, pain and anxiety “burn” people inside like fire, but can set them free from negative emotions or mistaken behaviours, transform them and give them a new equilibrium that is stronger and more youthful. In this way, life can be reborn from pain and keep on evolving. The Phoenix is a very old rebirth and evolution myth, which predates Darwin’s theory: “it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who survives, but he who can adjust best to changes”. The capacity to adapt is not resignation or “passive resilience”, but rather the capacity to resist adverse events, while acquiring the skill and competence to overcome them, becoming stronger not only physically, but also in the soul, developing an “active resilience”. The Phoenix symbolizes rebirth, active resilience and the evolution of people, but also of companies, since they are made up of and led by people. In these hard times, characterized by the Covid epidemics, FATRO has carried on with its work and overcome the many difficulties which have arisen on its path. Phoenix 2022 is the way FATRO has chosen to express thankfulness to all its Employees, Partners and Collaborators. We wish them a year of active resilience, knowing that whenever and however this painful pandemic finishes, we will have a stronger mind and soul. As we have always done.

Happy actively resilient 2022!

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