FATRO calendar 2024

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Ovibos moschatus

The muskox is an arctic mammal, known for its thick fur which almost reaches the ground and its typical musk smell. It belongs to the subfamily Caprinae, therefore it is related with both the domestic goat (Capra hircus) and the ox (Bos taurus). It lives in Greenland, Canada and Alaska and it was recently reintroduced in the mountains between Norway and Sweden. During the summer, it lives in wet areas, especially river valleys, whereas in winter it moves to higher places. It eats grass, roots, sedges and other land plants. Adults may reach a height of 150 cm, a length of 250 cm and a weight between 200 and 400 kg; they can live for up to twenty years.
In the reproduction season, males fight furious duels to conquer females. The gestation period lasts about 8 months and normally a single baby is born, which is breastfed for one year.
In the past, muskoxen risked to become extinct because they were hunted massively by humans, but thanks to the efforts made to reintroduce them, their population has increased again. At the moment climate change is endangering their survival. 

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