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Fatro S.p.A., with legal address in Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO), Via Emilia 285, Tax ID No. 01125080372 - VAT No. 01665321202, represented by its temporary legal representative, is constantly engaged in protecting the privacy of the users of it Website (hereinafter, the “Site”).
This document (hereinafter, “Information notice”) was drafted in order to allow you to understand how your personal data, as defined below, will be processed within the framework and for the purposes of the Site, and we inform you that it can also be accessed through the link to the Site present in the Vets App of the Fatro Group.
In general, every piece of information or personal data which you will provide Fatro with through the Site, or collected in another way through the Site, within the framework of the Services offered by it (hereinafter, “Services"), as defined more in detail in section 3 below, will be processed according to internationally recognized principles of legitimacy, correctness, transparency, limitation of purposes and storage, data minimization, precision, integrity and confidentiality.

1. Data Controller
Fatro S.p.A., as identified at the beginning of the Information Notice, is the Data Controller (hereinafter, “Controller” or “Fatro”) in charge of processing carried out through the Site, as described in this Information Notice.
You can get in touch with Fatro at the following e-mail address:

2. Processed personal data
We inform you that, after navigating the Site, Fatro will process information concerning you, which may include your identification and contact data, an online identifier or your navigation preferences, that is the information about the way you use the Site, suitable to identify you or make you identifiable (hereinafter, just “Personal Data”).
Your Personal Data may be collected when you simply navigate the Site. Moreover, you may provide Fatro with your Personal Data in the section called Reserved Area, for instance by filling in the Web form present in it. For these purposes, Personal Data are processed on the basis of the information notice available in the form.
The Personal Data processed through the Site are the following:
a) Name, contact information and other Personal Data
In various sections of the Site, in particular the one relative to the request of information in the Reserved Area and the creation of a personal account, you will be asked to enter information like your first name, last name, the province and state where you live, your e-mail address, your profession, etc.
b) Navigation data
While normally operating, the automated systems and software programs powering the Site acquire some Personal Data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols. This is information which is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but which by its very nature may, by means of processing and association with data held by third parties, make it possible to identify users. This category of data includes the IP addresses or dominion names of the computers used by users connecting to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit a request to the server, the size of the file obtained as a response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the user's operating system and IT environment. These data are only used to collect statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its proper functioning, in order to identify any anomalies and/or abuses. The data might be used to ascertain any liabilities in case of IT crimes against the Site or against third parties; except for this possibility, at the moment the data relative to Web contacts are not stored for more than two years.
c) Cookies
As regards the processing activities due to the use of cookies through the Site, see our Cookie Policy.

3. Purpose of the processing
Fatro will use your Personal Data, collected through the Site, for the following purposes:
a) providing the Services which allow you navigate the Site (“Service Provision”);
b) fulfil pre-contractual and contractual obligations due to the signing of a supply contract or other services offered by the Fatro Group (“Performance of a Contract”);
c) fulfil provisions of laws and regulations (either national or community ones), or fulfil an order by a Judiciary Authority or surveillance bodies which the Controller is subject to (“Compliance”);
d) protect the rights, property and safety of Fatro, our commercial partners, employees or customers, for instance within the framework of judiciary procedures, internal investigations and investigations by the competent authorities, as well as to prevent or detect any abuse or any fraud (“Abuses/Frauds”);
e) to send newsletters relative to the organization of events, meetings, conferences and seminars, including those focusing on professional training or promotional purposes; also to carry out marketing activities of various types, including the promotion of professional services, the distribution of informational and promotional material, the sending of newsletters and publications; as well as distributing surveys and questionnaires, also relative to the degree of customer satisfaction; we inform you that such activities may be carried out by e-mail (“automatized methods") (“Marketing”).

4. Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing
The legal basis used by Fatro to process your Personal Data, for the purposes specified in section 3 above, is the following:
- Service Provision (section 3.a): processing is necessary in order to allow you to navigate the Site and is carried out in compliance with art. 6.1 lett. b) of the GDPR. Providing Fatro with your Personal Data for this purpose is not mandatory, but if you do not do so, it will not possible to grant you some or all the Services.
- Performance of a Contract (section 3.b): processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or prior to entering into a contract or other services offered by the Fatro Group, and is carried out in compliance with art. 6.1 lett. b) of the GDPR. Providing Fatro with your Personal Data for this purpose is not mandatory, but if you do not do so, it will not possible to grant you some or all the Services.
- Compliance (section 3.c): processing is necessary for this purpose for Fatro to comply with any legal obligations, pursuant to art. 6.1 lett. c) of the GDPR. When you submit your Personal Data to Fatro, they will be processed according to the applicable norm, which might result in their storage and transmission to the Authorities for any accounting, fiscal or other obligations.
- Abuses/Frauds (section 3.d): the information collected for this purpose will be used exclusively to protect the rights, property or safety of Fatro, our affiliated companies, our commercial partners, employees or customers, for instance within the framework of judiciary procedures, internal investigations or investigations by the competent authorities, as well as to prevent or detect any abuse or any fraud against Fatro, pursuant to art. 6.1 lett. f) of the GDPR.
- Marketing (section 3.e): for this purpose, processing is based on your consent, pursuant to art. 6.1 lett. a) of the GDPR. It is not mandatory to give your consent to Fatro for this purpose, and you are free to withdraw it at any time without any consequences (except that you will no longer receive any marketing communication from Fatro). You can withdraw your previously granted consent by following the indications present in section 8 of this Information Notice.

5. Recipients of Personal Data
Your Personal Data may be shared with the third parties reported below (the “Recipients"):
1) System Administrators;
2) Site Manager, as processor as per art. 28 of the GDPR;
3) Employees and collaborators of companies belonging to the Fatro Group, as persons authorized to process data.
Should you express your consent to the use of personal data for “Marketing” purposes, according to section 3 above, your data may be made accessible to the subjects specified in point (3) above, therefore you may also receive newsletters containing information relative to the companies belonging to the Fatro Group.

6. Transfer of Personal Data
Fatro will not transfer your data outside the European Economic Space.

7. Storage of Personal Data
Personal Data processed for the purposes of Service Provision (section 3.a) will be stored by Fatro for the time strictly necessary to fulfil this purpose (e.g. to allow you to navigate the Site); in every other case, since these Personal Data are processed within the framework of Services, Fatro may store them for a longer period of time, in particular if it is necessary to protect the interests of Fatro from any liabilities due to contract with you.

The Personal Data processed for the purposes of Performance of a Contract (section 3.b) will be stored by Fatro for the entire duration of any juridical relation established or will be stored for the duration of the applicable terms determined by the law and, in any case, for not less than 10 years.
The Personal Data processed for the purposes of Compliance (section 3.c) will be stored by Fatro for the period of time envisaged by specific legal obligations or by the applicable norms.
The Personal Data processed in order to prevent Abuses/Frauds (section 3.d) will be stored by Fatro for the time strictly necessary for the abovementioned purpose and, therefore, until the moment when Fatro has to store them to defend itself in court or to disclose these data to the competent Authorities.
The Personal Data processed for the purposes of Marketing (section 3.e) will be stored by Fatro until your consent is withdrawn.
At the end of the storage period, we will delete your Personal Data, in order to make sure that they cannot be reconstructed or read.

8. Rights of the data subject
You are entitled to exert the following rights with Fatro at any time:
- Right of access - right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not Personal Data concerning you are being processed, and, where that is the case, receive information relevant to, in particular: the purposes of the processing; the categories of Personal Data concerned and their storage periods; the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the they may be disclosed (art. 15 GDPR);
- Right to rectification - the right to obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate Personal Data concerning you and the completion of incomplete Personal Data completed (art. 16 GDPR);
- Right to erasure - the right to obtain, without undue delay, the erasure of Personal Data concerning you, in the cases envisaged by the GDPR (art. 17 GDPR);
- Right to restriction of processing – the right to obtain restriction of processing in the cases envisaged by the GDPR (art. 18 GDPR);
- Right to data portability - the right to receive the Personal Data concerning you, which you have provided to the Controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance, in the cases envisaged by the GDPR (art. 20 GDPR);
- Right to object - the right to object to processing of Personal Data concerning you, unless Fatro demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds to continue the processing (art. 21 GDPR).

You may exercise these rights simply by sending a request to the following e-mail address: or getting in touch with the Fatro DPO at the following address:
Solicitor Floriana Francesconi
Via Ugo Bassi 3 - 40121 BOLOGNA
Tax ID No. FRNFRN74H42A944B

In any case, you may submit a claim to the relevant control authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data by Fatro violates the applicable law. The contact information of all EU supervision Authorities can be found here: (

9. Processing method
Your Personal Data are processed by means of the operations specified in art. 4, No. 2) GDPR - whether or not by automated means - namely: collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
In any case, the logical and physical safety of the data will be guaranteed and, in general, the confidentiality of the processed Personal Data, implementing all the necessary technical and suitable organization measures to guarantee their safety.

10. Modifications
This privacy information notice enters into force on 15/05/2023.
Fatro reserves the right modify or simply update its content, either partially or fully, also because of changes in the applicable laws. Fatro will announce these modifications as soon as they are introduced and will become binding as soon as they are published. For this reason, Fatro invites you to visit this section regularly, in order to be aware of the latest and most up-to-date version of the privacy information notice, so as to be always informed about the collected data and the way Fatro will use them.